Capoeira meeting in Berlin: Malandragem da Capoeira 2015

Welcome to Malandragem da Capoeira 2015!

Malandragem da Capoeira is an international Capoeira meeting, organised by Professor Ganso and the students from the group Preservação da Mandinga in Berlin.

In this year's edition we will have the special presence of Mestre Ulisses, coming directly from Brazil. As usual, there will have plenty of movement and roda trainings, music and many capoeira rodas. There will be an advanced training directed to the Instrutores and Professores. There will also be the the batizado and graduation of the students of the group in Berlin.

Not to miss out is the inevitable Malandragem Party!

The Mestres, Contra-Mestres and Professores from other groups who wish to visit us and contribute to the event will be our guests and wellcome at our humble home.

Infos for participants:
- When possible bring own instrument to the music class.
- Accommodation available by contact until the 30th of September (bring sleeping bag and matress). 

See you soon in Berlin by the Malandragem, axé!

Mestre Ulisses (Preservação da Mandinga, Brazil)
Mestre Maclau (Grupo União na Capoeira, Norway)
Mestre Bailarino (International Capoeira Raíz, Germany)
Mestre Pim-Pim (Grupo de Capoeira Angola Iê Ação Cultural, Germany)
Professor Ganso (Preservação da Mandinga, Germany)
Professor Cacheado (Grupo União na Capoeira, Norway)
Professor Bruno Baião (Berimbarte Capoeira Berlin, Germany)
Professor Curinga (Preservação da Mandinga, Portugal)
Treinel Toca (FICA Berlin, Germany)
and more...

PROGRAMME (to be updated):
Friday, 9th of October
Trainings, Rodas, Batizado & graduation

Saturday, 10th of October
Trainings, music, samba-de-roda and rodas

Sunday, 11th of October
Trainings & Rodas

2 or 3 days = 70 Malandr@s
1 day = 35 Malandr@s
Batizado / Friday Roda (From 7.30 pm) = 15 Malandr@s

Rosa-Parks Grundschule, Ohlauer Strasse 41

gansocapoeira @

+49 - (0)176 - 67346900 (Professor Ganso)
+49 - (0)176 - 76077684 (Instrutora Girassol)