Welcome to Malandragem da Capoeira 2013!
Malandragem da Capoeira is an international Capoeira meeting, organised by Professor Ganso and the students from the group Preservação da Mandinga in Berlin.
The Capoeira group Preservação da Mandinga is celebrating 10 years, thus this year's Malandragem is within these celebrations.
In this year's edition there will have plenty of movement and roda trainings, music and samba de roda classes, many capoeira rodas, and a berimbau making workshop given by Mestre Ulisses himself.
Given the high number of Instructors taking part in the event, this year there will be an advanced training directed to them.
As an important step for the work of the group here in Berlin, there will also be the children batizado and the adult batizado and graduation.
Not to miss out is the inevitable Malandragem Party, this year with live Roda de Samba and projection of capoeira videos.
The Professores, Contra-Mestres and Mestres from other groups who wish to visit us and contribute to the event will be our guests and wellcome at our humble home.
Infos for participants:
- The registrations made and paid before the 10th of September ("Early Bird") benefit from a special price.
- The berimbau making workshop has limited places, on a first comes first serves basis.
- When possible bring own instrument to the music class.
- Accommodation available by contact until the 30th of September (bring sleeping bag and matress).
See you soon in Berlin by the Malandragem, axé!
Mestre Ulisses (Preservação da Mandinga, Portugal)
Mestre Maclau (Grupo União na Capoeira, Norway)
Mestre Bailarino (International Capoeira Raíz, Germany)
Mestre Saulo (Capoeira IUNA, Germany)
Professor Dacor (Grupo de Capoeira União, England)
Professor Ganso (Preservação da Mandinga, Germany)
Professor Bruno Baião (Capoeira Gerais, Germany)
Professor Cacheado (Grupo União na Capoeira, Norway)
Professora Boneca (Grupo União na Capoeira, Norway)
Professor Curinga (Preservação da Mandinga, Portugal)
and more...
PROGRAMME (to be updated):
Friday, 11th October
16:30 - 17:00 Wellcome and registration
17:00 - 19:00 Training
19:00 - 22:00 Adult batizado and graduation & Rodas
Saturday, 12th October
10:00 - 13:00 Berimbau making Workshop
10:00 - 13:00 Trainings & Rodas
14:30 - 17:30 Music, Samba-de-roda & Trainings
18:00 - 19:30 Rodas
Sunday, 13th October
10:00 - 13:00 Berimbau making Workshop
12:00 - 15:00 Trainings
16:00 - 18:30 Children batizado & Farewell Roda
"Early Bird" 3 Days = 60 €
3 Days = 70 €
1 Day = 35 €
Friday Roda (From 7pm) = 15 €
3 Days + Berimbau Workshop = +30 € (materials included)
Berimbau Workshop only = 60 € (materials included)
LOCATION (to be updated):
Ohlauer Strasse 24
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
gansocapoeira @preservacaodamandinga.org
+49 - (0)176 - 67346900 (Professor Ganso)
+49 - (0)176 - 76077684 (Instrutora Girassol)